Welcome to Betty Bakery, online!

Same day local delivery now available!
You asked, we made it happen. Same day pickup and deliveries on our most popular items! Delivery is NOT available on our whole cakes. For that, please use our main Shopping site by clicking SHOP in the header.
About us:
We are a neighborhood bakeshop located in the heart of Boerum Hill, Brooklyn. With a touch of retro & modern, the “Betty” is a tribute to all that is mid-century mien and deliciousness; baked goods like the treats that used to come out of our grandma’s kitchen—but with an updated twist!
All Collections
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Cookies and Bars
Browse our selection of fresh baked classic cookies
Gluten Free Cakes
Gluten free pastry options
Savory Pies
Indulge in our perfect personal-sized savory pies, versatile for any occasion and...